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The Financial Truth About the '#Me Too' Movement

The Financial Truth About the '#Me Too' Movement

- Newsmax Finance
For spouses who are divorcing an alleged harasser, the circumstances vary when victim lawsuits are involved. In the case of Harvey Weinstein and Georgina Chapman, a settlement happened quickly, according to Dror Bikel, high-conflict divorce lawyer in Manhattan.
“It was smart on her part to settle fast because the impact of allegations upon a marriage becomes about shielding assets from victim lawsuits,” Bikel told Newsmax Finance. “Georgina won’t be a...

Money Secrets Divorce Attorneys Wish You Knew

Money Secrets Divorce Attorneys Wish You Knew

- Reader's Digest
If you get married before the age of 50, there's around a 50/50 chance you're going to end up divorced. So best be prepared. Our divorce experts tell us the financial facts you may not know. Equitable distribution versus community property Any divorcing couple can agree on any division of marital property, says Mitchell. However, before you make a settlement proposal, it helps to understand your best and worst-case scenarios if you went to court. That begins with knowing whether you live in...